After preaching this morning on idolatry from 1 Corinthians 10:1-22, I had a few people ask me for a list of the questions I mentioned to our congregation to identify the idols of our hearts. Here they are, in case anyone is interested in doing some heart-work.
You can listen to the sermon here.
What captures your greatest zeal?
Whose approval do you crave most?
What do you brag about? Ie, what personal distinctives tend to make you feel superior/look down upon others?
What do you feel like you need to have in order to be a happy, whole, meaningful, successful, person?
What are you afraid of?
What do you complain most about?
What is that one thing that, if you were to loose it, would cause you to feel that life isn’t worth living?
Where do you go for comfort in the midst of stress?
What angers and frustrates you most?
What things cause you to question God’s love and goodness to you? In other words, about what things do you say, “Jesus, I’d be sure of your love for me if only You…”?
What do you sacrifice the most for?