Galaxies are God's pinky-finger work; he was not tired when he finished.
The only eternal happiness for man is a happiness focused on the riches of the glory of God in the face of Jesus.
The cross marks the end of human self-exaltation & is the birth of radical human exultation in God's self-exaltation.
The cross is not a boost for self-esteem but the deepest, clearest declaraton of God's infinite esteem in his glory & Son.
And my personal favorite from night 1 was Piper's closing sentence:
When God's exaltation of God in Christ at the cross is your joy, your joy can never fail.
Overall, a great first night of the conference. Piper's address was classic Piper, basically saying that the foundation of knowing God rightly is knowing that His greatest commitment is to His own exaltation. And God's God-centeredness is infinitely loving, for it gives to us what is needed to make us eternally happy (His glory) at great cost to Himself (the death of His beloved Son).
I'll post the audio when it hits the web.
UPDATE: You can listen to this message here:
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