Thursday, August 6, 2009

My first purchase at Worship God 09

Last night I picked up the book Big Truths for Young Hearts, by Bruce Ware. I had read some glowing endorsements for the book, and when I saw it here I snatched one up right away. I look forward to using this book with Michelle to train our girls up in the knowledge of the Lord. It looks like an outstanding resource for parents with children of all ages.

The forward of the book is written by Ware's two daughters. And as I read the foreword, I was reminded of the awesome privilege I have in teaching my two daughters about the most important thing in the universe: God. I pray that God would use me to impart both teaching and passion for the greatness of God.


  1. We have this one too. It is a good one:)

  2. Larry,

    I have come to the same conviction, by the grace of God! You'll have to lend me this book when you're done with it. Please bring back some good ideas about how we can lift up, teach, and show Christ through the Gospel for the youngest attenders of Joy!


  3. Larry,
    I just bought this book and started reading through it. Thanks for recommending it. Now I need to go through it with my girls!
