Thursday, July 2, 2009

It didn't take long for me to have a change of heart about Twitter

Now that I've signed on to Twitter, should I use it for anything?

This morning I wrote, 'No'. But I had a change of heart. On Twitter, I'll write (in 140 characters or less) what God is showing me in His Word. That way, anyone who wants to follow me will know if, or what, I've been reading. As I thought about it, communicating important truths with brevity is a valuable discipline. Here's an example:

Rev.9:6 - Torment so fierce that people will long to die but won't be able to; astonishing that Jesus bore this for me on the cross!

Time will tell whether 'tweeting' becomes a priority. For now, you can follow me here, or follow my Twitter updates on the sidebar of this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to have you on Twitter, Larry. There is a large group of folks looking to use social media to glorify God.
