Friday, June 26, 2009

This should be an easy way to get a few comments...

Yesterday I was informed that a reader was trying to leave a comment on the blog but could not (it was my mother, who was probably commenting to inform me that every grocery store in a twenty mile radius of Huntingdon Valley, PA, had been emptied of their stock of Kellog's Fiber Plus bars.)

So could a couple of you who don't normally comment take a minute and leave a comment, so I can see if there is a problem with the website.



  1. When I try to comment, it always rejects my first try to post, after I put in the crazy made-up pass-wordie thing. Then, it accepts it when I re-post and do the second wordie thing.

    That's me describing things to my best computer-illiterate capabilities.

    Also, I have no idea what it means when it asks me to "comment as" a profile.

    Jim W

  2. OK, now that one went through after just one wordie thing....

    Jim W

  3. I removed the setting that requires you to enter in a password. Maybe that will help.

    The password option is supposed to cut down on spam, but since I moderate all comments I can do without that setting. If spam really increases, I might have to bring it back.

    I'm not really sure that the 'comment as' thing is for either.
