Monday, August 23, 2010

The Blessings of Consecutive Expository Preaching

I introduced my sermon on 1 Corinthians 5 yesterday by explaining the value of consecutive expository preaching (that is, preaching verse by verse through books of the Bible). I mentioned one reason why this kind of preaching is so good for the church: it guards preachers from always getting on their own personal soapboxes, and pushes us to teach on the whole counsel of God as revealed in Scripture.

In Christopher Ash's book The Priority of Preaching, he lists seven blessings of consecutive expository preaching:
  1. Consecutive expository preaching safeguards God’s agenda against being hijacked by ours.
  2. Consecutive expository preaching makes it harder for us to abuse the Bible by reading it out of context.
  3. Consecutive expository preaching dilutes the selectivity of the preacher.
  4. Consecutive expository preaching keeps the content of the sermon fresh and surprising.
  5. Consecutive expository preaching makes for variety in the style of the sermon.
  6. Consecutive expository preaching models good nourishing Bible reading for the ordinary Christian.
  7. Consecutive expository preaching helps us preach the whole Christ from the whole of Scripture.

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