Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Church is a Model Home

A quote from Harvie Conn:

On a tract of earth's land purchased with the blood of Christ, Jesus the Kingdom developer has begun building new housing. As a sample of what will be, he has erected a model home of what will eventually fill the urban neighborhood. Now he invites the world into that model home to take a look at what will be...

The church is the occupant of that model home, inviting neighbors into its open door to Christ. Evangelism is when the signs are put up saying, "Come in and look around." In this model home we live out our new lifestyle as citizens of the heavenly city that one day will come. We do not abandon our jobs or desert the city that is; we are to "seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which" God carried us in exile (Jeremiah 29:7)

I love the idea here of the church living out its mission and inviting others to see the power of the community He is forming through the gospel. I only wish Conn would make clear that evangelism involves communicating the gospel message with words, and not merely living in a way that reflects His kingship over us.

I suspect Conn assumes this, but these days, that just can't be assumed. Too many today want to live out the mission of Jesus without heralding Jesus as the sin-bearing, wrath-removing Savior of all who repent and trust in Him.

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