Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ten Ways to Pray for Moms

I posted these three years ago on the Seeking Him blog, but since that is deceased now I thought I'd re-post it here (thanks to my friend Erin for giving these requests to me):
  1. to be gospel centered- without the hope of Jesus cleansing us from our sin, reconciling us to God and spending an eternity in heaven, all of our work will be in vain
  2. to memorize and meditate on the promises of God throughout the day so that we are focused on the One who gives all things for His glory and our good
  3. for the fruit of the Spirit in all we do so that our children may see the hope of Jesus
  4. for a soul at rest in the Lord so when struggle comes the peace of God still transcends
  5. for a heart so satisfied in God that every word, facial expression and tone reflects a knowledge of the great grace we have been granted and extends that grace to others
  6. for a knowledge of God’s person and the Scriptures so we may easily instruct our children in the every day occurrences of life
  7. for the high standards of God’s Word in parenting our children so we do not fall into simply settling for half-hearted obedience from our children
  8. for strength to persevere when they days and nights are long, knowing that we will reap a harvest in due time
  9. for a great love and respect for our husbands so that our children know they are in third place in our lives and their dad is the leader of the home
  10. for a contentment in the place God has us and a thankfulness that does not wish time away or hope to be somewhere else, but delights in the gift of being a wife and a mother
Moms, what would you add to this list?

1 comment:

  1. Just add me to your prayer list. That woud be a wonderful blessing
