Thursday, October 22, 2009

Don't Forget to Groan, 10/22

Sarab village resident and opium addict Islam Beg offers his opium pipe to his grandson in the Badakhshan province of Afghanistan. The 2009 United Nations World Drug report, released earlier this year, notes that the illicit drug market worldwide has now become a $320 billion-per-year industry.

(Why should we groan?)

1 comment:

  1. Larry,

    Pretty sad world in which we live. My dad just returned from Nepal. He was in Kathmandu for a few days during the trip and told me last night about the old orphan kids (8 years old or so) who are homeless. They are all over the place. The sleep together on the streets in a big pile to keep warm. He said that one day he walked by them and they were sitting around sniffing glue. They are often the objects of sexual exploitation also.

    Meanwhile, I and everyone else sit around in our little protected towns and forget the heartache and sin and devastation and pain everywhere. May God make us a weeping people. We are far too light and silly and shallow. "Blessed are those who mourn..."
