Friday, September 25, 2009

32 reasons I'm grateful on my 32nd birthday (in no particular order, except the first one)

1. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
2. Before the ages began, God the Father gave me to His Son to save and keep by His omnipotent power.
3. The hope (not merely desire, but certain expectation) that Jesus will come again and make all things new.
4. My excellent wife, who daily pursues to live like this, by God's grace.
5. Halle, who knows that "Jesus conquered the grave"...may she come to know what it means.
6. Felicity, whose been true to her name for 11 months, except while I write this post.
7. A church growing in their love for the Gospel, who support me and my family.
8. Family who are loving and supportive though they don't share my convictions about Jesus.
9. Common Grace
10. Sports
11. All five of my senses function properly
12. Clean water
13. Even though I'm actually having a hard time thinking of 32 things, God hasn't struck me dead.
14. My small group
15. People who have loved me enough to share the truth with me, even when it hurts.
16. Romans 8
17. John Piper
18. Tim Keller
19. C.J. Mahaney
20. Having the chance to speak to those three guys personally and tell each of them how grateful I am for them.
21. The radical, sacrificial generosity of others that I have been a recipient of (they wouldn't want their names mentioned).
22. People who ask me how I'm doing, and mean it.
23. Twitter -- for challenging me to make God look great in 140 characters or less; not easy for a long-winded preacher.
24. The Phillies are defending World Series Champions (at least for a few more weeks)
25. My iPod
26. I have the privilege of teaching people the Word of God, and I actually get paid to do it.
27. Electricity
28.Trash removal
29. The Bible has been translated into my language.
30. Health
31. Sickness (which keeps me from taking health for granted)
32. From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny.

It may not be your birthday, but leave a comment and tell me some things that you are grateful for today.


  1. 1. Jesus death and resurrection
    2. that I am no longer a slave to sin
    3. my husband
    4. 3 wonderful blessings of children
    5. internet when you live in a foreign country
    6. the prayers of others
    7. moving around and realizing that heaven is my true home
    8. that God is a happy God
    9. for God's Word that we can read and meditate on with no fear of persecution
    10. free sermons to download
    11. good music playing on my iTunes
    12. watching my son dance to "All That I Need"
    13. middle of the night visits from my kids that let me know they are still breathing
    14. the many opportunities God gives me to grow each day
    15. learning
    15. reading
    16. sunshine
    17. the way kids appreciate things in a way I often forget to
    18. contagious laughing
    19. games
    20. freshly laundered bed sheets

    I will stop at 20!

  2. 1. Jesus' atoning sacrifice.
    2. Joe
    3. Gavin - his zeal for life and people is a joy to witness.
    4. Chloe - the way she cares for others and her tender heart are a true gift from God.
    5. Caroline's sweet voice and sensitive nature.
    6. The family of God - my church.
    7. Faithful friends that love Jesus, love my family, pursue holiness and make me laugh.
    8. Chocolate
    9. Pastors that love Jesus and help me to be a better worshipper of Him!
    10. That God will allow a wretch like me to be a vessel for the gospel.
    11. That Riccina got baptized and is a shinging example of God's grace.
    12. Reading
    13. Sunny days exploring nature with my kiddos
    14. Bike riding as a family.
    15. For God has given me excitement about learning new things.
    16. Praying
    17. Experiencing the power of God while still here on earth.
    18. Joe giving me amazing back rubs.
    19. My sister-in-law who is my friend and also a mother figure.
    20. The fact that God's ways always work better than mine.
    21. Christ-centered curriculum.
    22. Making new friends.
    23. Cherishing old friends.
    24. Joe's morning encouraging phone calls.

    I'll stop there. Thanks for making me think about this.

  3. I'll post 10 because if we have to go with our age, I'd be here forever!
    1.My Savior, Redeemer, Friend: Jesus
    2.The gift of my soul/life mate: Paul
    3.Four growing boys entrusted to my care for a short time
    4.A church body who strives together to share the Gospel in amazing ways
    7.Christian liberty
    8.Political freedom
    9.Godly heritage
    10.Eternal golf- no . . . the Glory of the Son!

  4. and happy belated birthday, Larry!
