Tuesday, April 21, 2009

She's not viable, but I love her anyway...

In the debate about abortion, many people say that taking the life of this person is no problem, because he/she is not viable (meaning, capable of surviving outside the mother's womb):

But I don't know of anyone who would say it's ok to take the life of this person, who is also not viable:

This is my daughter Halle, and while I love her to death, I was reminded this past weekend how non-viable she really is. Michelle went away for the weekend and I was left home alone with her. It dawned on me that if I chose to leave the house, lock the door and not come back, then Halle would be dead by the time Michelle returned home on Sunday afternoon.

Even at nearly two years old, Halle cannot survive without the care of adults. In that sense, she is not viable. Yet if I really did leave her alone in the house to suffer and die, our society would condemn my actions as cruel, inhumane and unthinkable. Indeed, it would be.

And it is equally cruel, inhumane and unthinkable to take the life of the child in the top picture who is, like Halle, also not viable.

Halle deserves to live, though she is not yet viable. So do the unborn.

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